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春夏热卖良品 阿迪达斯Adidas Climacool Boat Lace Graphic 涉水鞋情侣鞋36-45 BA8398

发布时间:2024-04-30 23:12:30 阿迪达斯/Adidas
阿迪达斯Adidas的 Climacool Boat Lace Graphic 涉水鞋是春夏热卖的良品,Especially suitable for couples to wear。这款涉水鞋采用了阿迪达斯的 ClimaCool 技术,提供了出色的透气性和快干性,让你在水中活动时保持凉爽舒适。鞋面设计独特,Comes with stylish graphics,增添了鞋子的美感和个性化。鞋底采用抓地力强的橡胶材料,提供了良好的防滑性能,让你在湿滑的地面上也能保持稳定。这款涉水鞋不仅功能强大,而且外观时尚,是春夏季节进行水上活动时的理想选择,It is also a fashionable match for couples to show their harmony。
Product Details - 产品详情
Official Product Code - 货号:BA8398
Craftsmanship - 工艺:粘胶鞋,缝制鞋,橡胶底,飞线技术,硫化鞋
Product version - 版本:纯原(chunyuan)公司级(gongshiji)
Warehouse code - 仓库编码:496JDD0429
Available Sizes - 尺码:36-45 (with half sizes available)
阿迪达斯Adidas Climacool Boat Lace Graphic 涉水鞋情侣鞋阿迪达斯Adidas Climacool Boat Lace Graphic 涉水鞋情侣鞋阿迪达斯Adidas Climacool Boat Lace Graphic 涉水鞋情侣鞋阿迪达斯Adidas Climacool Boat Lace Graphic 涉水鞋情侣鞋阿迪达斯Adidas Climacool Boat Lace Graphic 涉水鞋情侣鞋
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