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舒适与品质 Vans Old Skool Reissue 136 新款 万斯包头低帮休闲板鞋35-44 VN000MT6BPO

发布时间:2024-03-27 21:54:44 Vans/converse

鞋垫采用可拆卸轻量化抗疲劳设计,为穿着者提供了更舒适的脚感,有效减轻了长时间行走带来的疲劳感。The crescent edging design on the toe subtly modifies the shape of the foot,让双脚更加显瘦修长。鞋身中底包边采用极具光泽度的设计,不仅增添了整体造型的时尚感,It also shows quality and sophistication。复古配色的呈现则让这款板鞋更具怀旧气息,让人仿佛置身于时光隧道中,感受着过往岁月的温暖与怀念。Vans Old Skool Reissue 136 The launch of new models once again highlights the classics and innovation of the Vans brand。
Product Details - 产品详情
Official Product Code - 货号:VN000MT6BPO
Craftsmanship - 工艺:粘胶鞋,缝制鞋,橡胶底,飞线技术,硫化鞋
Product version - 版本:纯原(chunyuan)公司级(gongshiji)
Available Sizes - 尺码:35 36 36.5 37 38 38.5 39 40 40.5 41 42 42.5 43 44 (with half sizes available)
Vans Old Skool Reissue 136 新款 万斯包头低帮休闲板鞋Vans Old Skool Reissue 136 新款 万斯包头低帮休闲板鞋Vans Old Skool Reissue 136 新款 万斯包头低帮休闲板鞋Vans Old Skool Reissue 136 新款 万斯包头低帮休闲板鞋Vans Old Skool Reissue 136 新款 万斯包头低帮休闲板鞋

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